RTL (right to left) support, and right side menu

RTL, or right to left, can be enabled in the app customizer settings.

To enable RTL, visit your app customizer, open the settings tab, and check RTL. Save and refresh your app.

If you'd also like the menu to be on the right side, check that box as well.

What does RTL do?

RTL changes the app's text direction to right-to-left. It also reverses the app transitions on iOS, and changes the back button accordingly.

What does Right side menu do?

This setting moves the side menu to the right side, along with the header menu toggle button. It is not required to use this with RTL, you can move the side menu to the right and keep LTR text direction.


If using the post slider and you see blank slides, you may need to add this custom CSS:

ion-slides > div{flex-direction: row-reverse !important;}