Submit iOS app for review


  1. Complete prerequisites: create app store listing, setup device builds and certificates.
  2. Run the "Submit to iOS App Store Connect" build on the Build and Preview tab of your app customizer.
  3. Login to App Store connect, add your build, then submit for review.

The final step for submitting your iOS app is to add the build we upload for you, and submit for review.

Please make sure you have done all the other steps first, such as setting up your app store listings and certificates. Make sure you have increased the version number of your app in your Settings, and run an iOS app store build:

Wait until you receive an email that your build has been processed, this takes a couple of hours. This is a good time to make sure you have filled out your app store listing, created any screenshots, etc.

Login to Click My Apps, then click your app.

If you are submitting a new app version, click the plus sign at the top left and add a new version. If you already created a draft version, you can continue.

On the left, make sure your version is selected under "IOS APP," then scroll to the Build section.

Click the plus icon, select the most recent build (the highest build number), then add it. Click save at the top right.

Make sure all other items are filled out for your app, including pricing, screenshots, etc. Once you have filled out everything, you will be able to click "Submit for review" at the top right. Note: if you have an in app purchase, see below before pressing submit.

In App Purchases

If you have an in app purchase, you need to submit it for review before submitting the app for review.

Visit App Store Connect, click your app, then under "In-App Purchases" click Manage. Click your purchase.

You should have already filled out all the fields, including the screenshot, and checked "cleared for sale." If you have done that correctly, click on the version of your app in the top left. In the image above, that would be where it says "2.0.1 Prepare for Submission."  You should see a place to add your purchase that looks like this:

Select your in app purchase and save, then submit for review.