Testing in app purchases on Android

When you are testing in app purchases on Android, you must use a signed version of the app. Your Google Play email must be listed in the Google Play Console as a tester.

The easiest way to do this is to publish your app to a Beta release with open testing. You will be able to get a link that anyone can visit and download the app for testing.

Build a signed apk under your app customizer Build and Preview tab by choosing the "Submit to Google Play" device build. You will be able to download the signed apk and upload it manually to the app store. Note: you will not be able to USB debug a signed app version.

Visit your app in the Google Play Console. Click Release => Testing => Open Testing. (Or closed testing if you would prefer, it's just a little more setup)

Click Create Release. Upload your signed apk and publish.

On the same Open Testing menu item, there is a tab called Testers. Click that, and copy the link to invite testers to try your app. They can visit that url and download your beta app.

Test Charges

Your testers will be charged for purchases unless you add their emails to your tester list. Click the Internal Testing in the left sidebar, then click the Testers tab, and click add email list. Add the emails of anyone who needs to test purchasing.


You troubleshoot and/or verify subscriptions are working with logging.

You have 3 places to see logs:

On your WordPress site

Visit the AppPresser settings on your WordPress site, and go to the Logs tab. Click enable logging.

Here you will be able to see logs when there is a new purchase or cancellation.


Visit your app dashboard, click your app, then the logs tab. Click enable logging, and the visit the app customizer Build and Preview tab and click Publish Changes.

The Receipt Validator

You can also see events in your validator at https://billing-dashboard.fovea.cc/events

If you see an error next to your Android transactions like: "The current user has insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation." that means you have not setup your Android license key or Service Account correctly. Please refer to this documentation to fix it.