App Versioning
Both Apple and Google have very strict rules around versioning of app builds. Any new build submitted to the App Store must have a higher build and version number in order to be accepted. This is why AppPresser prompts you to increment your version number before running a new App Store build.
App Builds have both a Version Number and a Build number. AppPresser couples these together for simplicity where you specify a version number in the AppPresser Settings and we generate a build number based on that version number.
Tips to ensuring your new version number is higher
- Maintain the same number of segments. Standard App Versioning has 3 segments (ie 1.2.3). Once you've submitted a build using this standard you need to continue to use 3 segments for all new versions. This means if you wanted to publish a "version 2" you'd need to use 2.0.0 as your version number and not 2.0
- Segments are treated as whole numbers, not decimal places. This means that 1.1.10 is a higher version than 1.1.9 as 10 is larger than 9
- No Leading zeros within a segment. Keep your version numbers to whole numbers with no leading zeros (ie. use 1.1.1 and not 1.01.01)
Versioning Practices
- For minor changes that users are unlikely to notice, increment the third segment (1.1.1 -> 1.1.2)
- For changes that users will notice, new features, removed features, increment the second segment (1.1.2->1.2.0)
- For major changes or breaking changes increment the first segment (1.2.0 -> 2.0.0)