Offline Files (images and media that work offline)
This feature allows you to include media in your app that can be used offline, such as images, audio, or video. (Not available with all plans)
To add offline files to your app, first you need to put them in a .zip file.
Select the items you want in your app, and zip them together.
Note that you are zipping the files together without a folder. If you use a folder, you will need to add that to your assets path like this: files/my-folder/my-file.jpg.
Next, visit the app customizer, go to the Settings tab, and scroll down to this field:
Click Upload File, and select the zip file from the previous step. Save, then rebuild your app.
Using Offline Files
When you build your app, the files will be included in the app in 'files' folder. You can include a relative path to your files on a custom HTML page, for example in an image tag.
Example of using an image file in the assets folder:
<img src="files/file-name.png">
Note: AppPresser 3 apps should use the path "assets/file-name.png"
If you zip a folder, the path would be relative to that folder. For example: files/folder/file-name.png.
To play audio or video files included in offline assets, please use our Media Player.
If you want to add more files you will need to include them in your zip file, re-upload the zip, and then rebuild your app.
We do not recommend uploading large amounts of offline assets, as this will cause your app to increase in size, and slow download times for your app users.