Woocommerce Variations

If you are having issues adding variations to the cart and are getting the following error; see the below explanation.

Not available, please select different options.

AppPresser relies on the Woocommerce API for variations and app requires all their details to exist in the API. For this to happen, a products' variations must be explicitly and individually listed so that they appear in the API. Without them the app will not function properly. In this example, using "Any Size" won't work. You must list them all individually.

What you can do is let Woocommerce create them all for you.

So that all of the possible variations are individually listed.

Confirm Availability

If you are seeing the error: "Sorry, this product cannot be purchased." Each variation must be made available by 

  1. Setting its price
  2. Enabled, and
  3. In stock.

Login Status

For the user to be able to add items to the cart they must be logged in.