What's New in AppPresser 4
If you are an AppPresser 3 customer, please look at what's new so you don't run into problems building v4 apps.
- Update any plugins as needed, such as AppPresser and AppCommunity.
- We now use the JWT auth plugin, make sure it is installed and configured.
- Offline assets are now called files, and you must change the path from assets/whatever.ext to files/whatever.ext in any custom HTML pages.
- Custom HTML pages have a lot of syntax changes, most notably the Ionic tags. You cannot use Ionic 3 HTML or your builds will fail. Language, push, and download settings have also changed. See all the changes here.
- Custom CSS and Ionicons need to be updated. Ionic now uses custom CSS properties like --background in some cases, you can consult their documentation for help. Please see this article.
- Builds now happen through our new backend system, so you will see some changes when you build apps. If you have problems with builds, please email support.