Enable Google Play Automatic Deployment

Google Service Accounts are a special type of user account that grants programmatic access to specified Google resources/services. To enable Automatic Deployment to Google Play from AppPressere, you must create a Google Service Account that has access to your Google Play Console. This doc will walk through that process.

NOTE: You can re-use the same Service account to enable automatic deployment for all apps within a single Google Play console account. You do not need to create individual Service Accounts if you have multiple apps within the same Google Play Account.

NOTE: While it's technically possible to use the same Service Account created for your Android Push Notifications we recommend keeping these separate, especially if you have multiple apps. Our recommended solution is an individual service account for each app to handle Android Push Notifications and then a shared service account for Google Play deployment used across all apps within a single Google Play account.

Create / Select Google Cloud Project

From the Google Cloud Console we need to select a project to work within from the top bar:

If you already have a suitable named project for your business/app you can use that. Otherwise, we'd recommend clicking New Project from the top right of the modal window and creating a new project. As this service account can be reused across all apps within your Google Play account a good project name might be something like "MyCompanyGPlay".

Enable the Google Play Android Developer API

Now that our project is selected we can enable the Google Play Android Developer API to unlock the functions we need.

Head to the Google Play Android Developer API page and click Enable to turn it on. If the link doesn't work, you can navigate manually through the side menu to APIs & Services -> Library and search for "Google Play Android Developer API"

Create the Service Account

Now that the project has access to the Google Play APIs we need to create the service account that will be passed to Google Play to provide access to this project.

Head to the Service Accounts page (IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts in the left menu) and click + Create Service Account.

The Service account name/ID don't need to be anything specific, they are just for describing what the Service Account is being used for so that you can identify it again later. Click Done once filled out.

With the Service Account created we need to create a set of Keys to access the account. From the 3 dotted menu dropdown click Manage Keys . Then Add Key -> Create new key -> JSON and a JSON file similar to myproject12345-678899.json will be downloaded to your computer. You'll need to upload this file to MyAppPresser under the App Stores tab.

Link Service Account to Google Play

Our last step is to link our new Service Account to our Google Play account. This is done by inviting the "email address" of our Service Account as a user and granting it access to the relevant apps.

In your Google Play Console head to Users and Permissions in the left menu and click Invite new users

We want to invite the email of our service account which can be found in the Email column of the Service Accounts page of our Google Cloud project. In the example screenshots above the email address is [email protected]

Under the Account Permissions tab, we need to enable the following permissions. If you prefer you can click Admin (all permissions) for a simple way to ensure all required permissions are included

  • View app information and download bulk reports (read-only)
  • Create, edit, and delete draft apps
  • Release to production, exclude devices, and use Play App Signing
  • Release apps to testing tracks
  • Manage testing tracks and edit tester lists

Click Invite User to finish

Upload to MyAppPresser

From the App Stores tab in MyAppPreesser you can upload the .JSON file you downloaded earlier