Firebase Analytics

Firebase Analytics provides a range of analytics for your app usage. It's tied to your Firebase Project, which you should have already setup for your Android Push Notifications. If you have not done that yet please complete that first and then return to follow these steps.


Firebase Analytics requires 2 files to function:

  • a google-services.json file to connect your Android App to Firebase
  • a GoogleService-Info.plist file to connect your iOS app to Firebase


The google-services.json should already exist if you've completed the Android Push Notifications and shouldn't need to be re-uploaded. Check for the uploaded message like the screenshot below


From your Firebase project head to Project Settings and under the General Tab click Add App and select iOS:

Apple bundle ID should match the App Store Bundle ID from the MyAppPresser Metadata tab.

App Nickname can be anything to help you identify the app (usually just the App Name is sufficient)

If you've already published to the Apple App Store you can fill in your App Store ID. You can find your App Store ID in your app's App Store URL. In the example below, 123456789 is the App Store ID.

Download the file and then upload it within MyAppPresser in the Firebase Settings:

Back in Firebase, you can click Next through all the remaining steps and then click Continue to console

Finalising Setup

With both files uploaded and your settings saved you'll need to run new device builds for the analytics to start tracking as the required files and libraries need to be included in the app itself.