Connect to WordPress URL Error

After the App, Plugin and Theme installation process, there maybe an issue where your WordPress website is not able to connect to the MyAppPresser Dashboard. This is usually caused by the WordPress API information not communicating to our system. There will be an error message saying there was a problem connecting to your site.

This error shows when you go to MyAppPresser Dashboard > App Name > Connect > WordPress URL

This can be caused by a couple of issues. The AppPresser plugin, JWT Authentication plugin, or AP3 Ion Theme not being installed or fully setup. Or possibly a setting, security feature or another plugin causing the API to be restricted from generating a response.

Check to see if you get a response from the API

When the AppPresser Plugin is installed and activated, you can add the following snippet to your WordPress URL to see if you are getting a response from the API.



The response will show the Version of AppPresser, JWT Authentication & the AP3 Ion Theme version that is installed on your site. If you have any of the AppPresser extensions installed, those will also be included in the response.





If you are not getting a response, or see something other than what is shown above, you will want to follow the App, Plugin and Theme installation guide to double check settings and secret keys are accurate.

You may need to contact your developer or support company to resolve any issues with the API response coming directly from your WordPress website. A security plugin, security features from your web host or possibly a third party service may cause interruptions or block this access all together. For example, when you visit the /wp-json/appp/v1/myappp-verify api endpoint, you may see a notice saying "Not Found: The requested URL was not found on this server." This is a good indication you have something blocking direct access to the WordPress API and allowing our sites to communicate and to take action.