Create In App Purchases for iOS

The first step for creating in app purchases is setting them up on the app stores. Please make sure to review the other steps including adding the purchase form to your app, and testing in app purchases.


First, you must have an app ID setup with in app purchases enabled in your Apple developer account.

1. Login to
2. Click Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles
3. Click Identifiers on the left, then click your app
4. Scroll down and make sure In App Purchase is checked. If not, check it and save.

Before you can add IAPs to an app in App Store Connect, you must do two things:

  • Make sure you have accepted the latest Apple Development Program License Agreement on
  • Make sure you have accepted the latest Paid Applications agreement in the Agreements, Tax, and Billing section in App Store Connect.

Create the purchase on the App Store

Next, login to App Store Connect. Create your app store listing if you have not already. (My Apps => click the plus sign)

Once you have your basic listing saved, click "Features" => In App Purchases. Click the plus sign to add a new purchase.

If you are not able to add an in app purchase, you have not done the steps above correctly.

Click the plus sign and choose the type of purchase. AppPresser supports non-consumable one time purchases, and auto-renewing subscriptions. At this time we only support one price level for subscriptions.

Create the in app purchase. Use a simple product ID like "membersubscription", and fill out the rest of the details.  Copy/paste your product ID somewhere, you will need it later.

Make sure to add at least one localization. In the review notes, you will need to tell the reviewer how to test this purchase, and what it is supposed to do. You can come back and edit any of this information later.

Mark the purchase as ready for sale.

Save your purchase.

Submitting Your Purchase for Review

You don't need to do this now, but keep in mind that when you submit your app for review, you need to add your purchase first. You do this by going to your app in App Store Connect, and add the purchase where it looks like this:

After you've added the purchase and filled out all other fields in your app store listing, submit the app for review. Click here for more information on app submission.

Generate your App Specific Shared Secret

Next click "In-App Purchases" in the left hand menu to go back to the main screen. Click "App specific shared secret," and generate a new secret. Copy/paste your secret somewhere, you will need it later.

Next, add the in app purchase page in your app.