Search results for submit
29 articles found
Submit iOS app for review
Overview Complete prerequisites: create app store listing, setup device builds and certificates. Run the "Submit to iOS App Store Connect" build on the Build and Preview tab of your app customizer.
When do I need to submit a new build to the App Store?
Menus Changes, colours, custom CSS, page builder pages, and changes in WordPress will all update without needing to deploy a new version to the app store. Some things that do require a new build to
iOS App Store Setup and Submission
To get you setup for the app stores you need to complete the items on the App Stores tab of your app dashboard. Visit this page and complete all items listed. After all items have been completed and
Create App Store Listings
In order to submit your app to the app stores, you'll need to create your app store listings. This is also where you would change any information related to the app during an update, so it's
Upload to App Store Connect
Submitting your app for iOS requires uploading the app to App Store Connect, and then submitting the app for review. You must have already created your app store listing in App Store Connect. Upload
TestFlight is a great way for lots of people to test your app when you only have their email. Note: If you only have a few testers, and their device UDIDs are already on your profile, it might be
Testing Your App on Android and iOS Devices
Testing your AppPresser application is an exciting time. We have made testing very easy. For android builds, it's as simple as clicking a button, waiting for a build to finish and downloading the app
Build Types Overview
Android Debug Provided you have an Android device this is the simplest of the build options that requires no prerequisite steps. After this build completes you will receive an email with a link to
Your first release on Google Play
Overview Setup steps must be complete: create Google Play app store listing, setup device builds and keystore file (we usually do this for you). Visit the Build and Preview tab in the app customizer,
Create In App Purchases for iOS
The first step for creating in app purchases is setting them up on the app stores. Please make sure to review the other steps including adding the purchase form to your app, and testing in app
Release an iOS update to AppStore Connect
In order to release an update to AppStore Connect, you need to run a new build via your My AppPresser account and then inform Apple of the new update. (Do note that this is only for releasing an
How to Preview App in Browser and Test on Device
While building your app, you can preview what it will look like in your web browser. When you are ready to test on a device, you can setup device builds. Visit > App Name > App
Migrate from AppPresser 3 In App Purchases
If you setup in app purchases prior to May 29th, 2020, you can migrate to the new system. You must be on AppPresser 4, if you are not then you do not have to migrate. You can continue using your
Android Release Signing
To submit an Android app to the Google Play store, it must be signed with a release key. That means you generate the key on your computer, then upload it to our build platform. If your plan includes
Agency Account Migration
Upgrade your Agency account to AppPresser 4. Email us to request your upgrade Pay any upgrade fees After your account is upgraded, none of the apps have changed to v4. Any new app you create will be
Expired Certificates
If you have an expired certificate error, this is because iOS certificates expire after one year. To fix this issue, and re-create any expired certificates. 1. Login to
iOS Push Notifications
First, create your push notification certificates. We can create your these for you if on the plans listed here. Please fill in this form and we will run through the steps with you. Make sure you
In App Purchases Overview
Why do I need In App Purchases? If you sell digital items in your app like a membership or an ebook, you must use an app purchase subscription. You can still offer payments through your website, but
Testing in app purchases on Android
When you are testing in app purchases on Android, you must use a signed version of the app. Your Google Play email must be listed in the Google Play Console as a tester. The easiest way to do this is
Media Player
There are many ways to play media in your app, the easiest is to embed video or audio from another source such as YouTube or Soundcloud. To play media from a custom page, you can use this media
Testing In App Purchases on iOS
Before testing you must follow all the other steps for creating in app purchases. Create a sandbox tester on app store connect Login as the sandbox tester Rebuild your app with a development
Testing your Application on Android
Testing your Application on Android has never been easier with AppPresser. Our process is simple and easy to follow. You will need to log into your account and your Bitrise account.
Create In App Purchases for Android
Overview Create your Google Play Store listing Get your billing key Create a manifest.json file, add billing key, and add to your app on Build your app with a release key Create a
Replacing Orphaned Google Play Builds.
Google Play can be a little unforgiving regarding how it handles and flags older builds that remain active within your account. For example, your Production Track may have your latest version that
Android Push Notifications
Android notifications require a free Google Firebase account. This is where you get your API key and Sender ID used to send the notifications. PLEASE NOTE: The google-services.json file is a
Migrate from AppPresser 3 to 4
How to migrate an AppPresser 3 app to AppPresser 4. This is not required for new v4 apps, just migrated apps. Here's what the process looks like: Move your app to version 4 by switching the current
App Versioning
Both Apple and Google have very strict rules around versioning of app builds. Any new build submitted to the App Store must have a higher build and version number in order to be accepted. This is why
App Store Camera Usage Description
When submitting your app to the app stores, you are required to have a description of how you use the camera and photo library. There is already a default usage message that says: "This app allows
Generating App Store Screenshots
An easy way to generate screenshots using the Chrome device emulator. Add 2 new device sizes to the emulator to get the necessary sizes. Go to the app customizer for the app you are submitting, click