WordPress (iframe) Post Lists
Another type of WordPress page you can use is an iframe post list. This is a page from your WordPress site that displays a list of posts.
It does not use the WP-API, it is an iframe view of your site, which is desirable in some cases.
When Should I Use This?
If you want to display a list of posts, but you have custom plugin content that needs to be displayed that doesn't work with the API list. For example, you have a Facebook comments plugin, shortcodes, or a Gravity Form in one of your posts.
If you are confused, that's ok! Go ahead and use this post list, it will work best in most cases.
How to Create a WordPress Post List
1. Create the App List page on your site
First, visit your WordPress website that has the AP3 Ion Theme installed. Go to Pages => Add New, and create a page called "App List." Make sure the page slug is app-list.
By using this slug, it will use our special template that creates the post list.
That's it for your website, go back to the myapppresser.com app builder.
2. Create the app menu item
Visit your app customizer, then go to Menus => your menu => Add item.
Create a WordPress/External link that goes to the app-list page.
Save and refresh your app, and you should see a post list.
Customizing the Post List
You can customize your list display by passing parameters in the URL.
The parameters are passed into WP_Query, so you can use most of the parameters here.
For example:
That will display 15 posts from the post type event as a card list.
Categories, tag, and author:
Order and Orderby Args
The 'order' and 'orderby' do not work by default. Create a file named app-list-url-params.php and place it in /wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder. If the mu-plugin is not there you need to create it.
<?php /** * Add order and orderby to the URL query strings * to be used in a WP_Query arg */ function my_appp_list_params($params) { $params[] = 'order'; $params[] = 'orderby'; return $params; } add_filter('appp_list_params', 'my_appp_list_params', 10, 2);