WordPress Post Slider
To add a post slider, create a new Page Builder page.
Choose the WordPress Post Slider block.
Pager: displays pagination dots below the slides.
Slides Per View: how many slides show at one time. Choosing 2 or 3 works best.
Loop: go back to the first slide after scrolling to the end.
Autoplay: start scrolling slides horizontally with no user input.
Space Between: The distance between slides horizontally. Use an integer, such as 5.
Customize Posts Displayed: If you want to use a custom post type, or add arguments such as categories or number of posts displayed, check this box. Then enter the full url to the WP-API endpoint you want to use, along with any arguments. For example: https://apppresser.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?per_page=5&categories=12
Custom Slide Content
If you would like to display custom content in your slides, such as a post excerpt, you can do that with a template hook.
The slider has a post_list.slide_content hook, see how to use it here.